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اگر هنوز عضو نیستید 
In December 2019, Hossein Sabet who is the great investor of the country and the father of Iran's hotel industry, based on his personal interest and concern for the national heroes of the country, made an exciting proposal to build a giant statue of Ferdowsi Glory at a height of approximately 38 meters by
 Saraaj Center for Creation and Development of Art Spaces. The proposal was quickly welcomed, and technical feasibility studies for the sculpture, model making, and dimensional analysis of the pieces began. In less than 10 months along with the problems caused by corona disease in the country, we built the sculpture by entrepreneurship of more than 100 specialists and artists of the country using more than 250 different pieces. The sculpture will probably be unveiled this coming fall. This project, along with other projects for the development of artistic spaces in the holy city of Mashhad, including urban decoration, permanent and temporary urban elements, was designed and built by the order of Sabet International Company in2020 by Saraaj Urban Art Department for Creation and Development of Art Spaces.