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The Politicization of Urban Beautification!

Mohsen Saraji | Creativity and Future Studies Manager

Urban beautification, as one of the most important pillars of urban development, requires a comprehensive and specialized approach. Unfortunately, in many of our cities, it has fallen victim to politicization and poor decision-making. Instead of relying on the knowledge and experience of experts in specialized fields, urban managers often make decisions that resemble more of a show or advertisement than actual improvement of urban spaces.

One of the primary criticisms of the performance of urban managers is the allocation of large budgets without a well-developed and expert-based plan. In many cases, urban beautification projects are implemented without careful economic and cultural assessments, resulting only in the waste of financial resources and public dissatisfaction. With the proper use of these resources, sustainable and high-value-added projects could be created.

Another major problem is the failure to utilize the knowledge and experience of experts in the design and implementation of projects. Instead of trusting specialists, urban managers often resort to copying traditional and outdated designs that do not align with contemporary needs. This results in projects that not only fail to meet the needs of citizens but also lead to new urban problems.

Another issue in this regard is the presence of numerous visual pollutions throughout the city. These pollutions, including excessive advertising billboards, unsightly building facades, and a lack of coordination in the design of urban elements, not only harm the city's beauty but also affect the psychological well-being of citizens.

The lack of a comprehensive urban beautification plan is another major challenge in this area. Such a plan can serve as a strategic roadmap for all urban beautification activities and prevent the waste of resources and time. By developing and implementing a comprehensive plan, coordination and coherence in project implementation can be achieved, leading to real improvements in the beauty and efficiency of urban space.

Ultimately, urban beautification should evolve from a showy and promotional activity into an expert-driven and purposeful process involving citizen participation and the use of expert opinions. Only with this approach can we achieve beautiful, efficient, and sustainable cities.