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A Look at the Potential of Urban Creative Industries: A Conversation with Mohsen Saraji

Adding Color to a City's Identity

In recent decades, both in Iran and abroad, the growth and expansion of cities have accelerated significantly due to factors such as population growth and urbanization. In such circumstances, the primary focus has been on the construction and development of urban fabric solely to meet population needs. From concentrated residential complexes to multi-purpose commercial and administrative complexes, everything was designed and built solely to meet the housing needs of society.

It seemed as if, amidst this mass construction, creative designs, urban spaces, street elements, and anything that enhanced the visual and aesthetic appeal of city streets had been forgotten. These urban elements were limited to the relatively old statues found in squares and parks. In recent decades, this issue has received special attention, and today, we can see creative elements and unique urban spaces in almost all cities of the country, which have become tourist attractions. Apart from the visual beauty, the most important point about designing urban elements and spaces is creating a positive and intimate feeling among citizens. Amidst the countless concerns of daily life, this positive feeling is essential for the survival of the city's soul and the happiness of its residents. Whether it's a small bench with a different design, a childlike mural, or even a giant statue in the center of a busy square, it can become a subject for photography and create entertainment for the general public.

In the Service of Identity

The "Siraj Center for Creation and Development of Artistic Spaces" is one of the first pioneers in the field of urban design and space in the country, founded in Mashhad in 2018. However, the history of Siraj's artistic activities dates back to 2009, coinciding with the event of welcoming spring and designing urban elements in Mashhad. According to Mohsen Saraji, founder and CEO of the Siraj Center for Creation and Development of Artistic Spaces, the main idea behind establishing this creative company was the need to make empty and so-called "gray" urban spaces more attractive and create dynamism and vitality in the city by using sculptures, symbols, and Iranian identity elements that are compatible with the urban culture.

Some of the prominent activities of the Siraj Center for Creation and Development of Artistic Spaces include the design and construction of the Admiral statue for the desalination project in Bandar Abbas, the Rostam statue in Mashhad, and the Rostam and Dragon battle statue in Bandar Bushehr. Additionally, the 8-meter-tall bust of Hakim Abolqasem Ferdowsi was designed and built by the experts of this group in 2019. With its installation in the main square of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, it has become one of the main and popular symbols of this university. Mohsen Saraji explains the process of building the 32.8-meter-tall statue of Ferdowsi: "This statue is in its final stages and will soon be installed in Mashhad. Upon completion of the construction and installation of this statue, which is even taller than the statue of Jesus Christ in Brazil, it will become the tallest statue in the country."

Apart from specialized activities in the field of designing and constructing symbolic statues, the main activities of this creative company are carried out in four separate specialized groups: the "Hicca" group as an art gallery for buying and selling artworks, "Ando" as an architecture office and creator of cross-border experiences, "Theme Park" as a reference for designing and building modern recreational and entertainment spaces based on new technologies like the metaverse, and "Gig Art" as a specialized department for managing media and creative content.

Derived from Culture in the Service of Identity

The construction and design of an urban element, statue, or symbol might be just the final and outward appearance, as behind it lies a story derived from the history, culture, and identity of that symbol and city. Mohsen Saraji tells Pishran: "The process of implementing an urban space project at the Siraj Center for Creation and Development of Artistic Spaces is such that first, field observations and necessary research are conducted to better understand the unique culture and identity of that city. By directly influencing the popular culture and identity of the region, the process of developing a strategic document for space design is carried out. Then, the result of this research is designed, produced, and implemented as unique works of art." Saraji continues: "The Siraj group, by relying on the expertise of specialists in various artistic and social sciences, has so far succeeded in designing and building more than a thousand different and unique works of art. The wide variety of works and activities of the Siraj group includes the design and construction of the Mashhad Heroes Amusement Park with a modern and scientific space, the design and construction of light, cartoon, and children's elements and typography in Kish Island, and the extensive elements of the Namakabrood recreational complex."

Key points highlighted in the English translation:

  • The shift from functional urban development to incorporating aesthetic elements and cultural identity.
  • The role of the Siraj Center in pioneering urban design and space creation.
  • The process of creating urban art, from research to implementation.
  • The importance of cultural context and identity in shaping urban spaces.
  • The diverse range of projects undertaken by the Siraj Center.