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Bright Night Event

Relying on the ability of our valuable artists and collaborators in the Art Social Responsibility Department at the Saraaj Center for the Creation and Development of Art Spaces, we organized the Bright Night art event to identify the artistic talents of poor children and enhance their art and visual literacy and we introduced them to artists and experts in order to support these young talents. Our focus in this event is to support young talents and help to use these capacities in the economy and to improve the quality of children in needs life in our city and country. This event is held on different occasions and generally is a reunion celebration and an appreciation of children who were successful in this way last year. This is held on the 26th of Ramadan every year in a happy and fun atmosphere with the presence of a group of prominent artists as well as pioneers and prominent figures. This year,
due to the outbreak of the Corona virus, this art event was not held and we are looking forward to holding it next year.
Mohsen Saraaji
Director of Saraaj Center for Creation and Development of Art Spaces