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The Guarantor of the Deer Element

Public beliefs of the people, whether due to religious origin or related to myths, folk tales and popular beliefs, are part of the cultural heritage of a nation and a city.
Mashhad, as the spiritual capital of Iran, is the center of religious and spiritual attention to pilgrims and neighbors of Imam Reza (as) in honor of the presence of the eighth Imam of Shiites. Hence, our attention to the story of the guarantor of the deer and its objectification through the construction of a statue in accordance with this old belief in the city was undeniable. Paying attention to form, traditional Iranian arts and its artistic combination with volume in urban space is one of the important features of this work.
In locating this work in the paths leading to the holy shrine, we tried to consider the element of place in completing the concept and meaning of this statue. This work was designed and executed in 2013 by the valuable artist Elahe Nazari and was installed in the permanent location of Mashhad Railway Square. In the construction of this sculpture, glassy concrete material has been used.