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اگر هنوز عضو نیستید 

The Process of Artistic Development of the Dream City Padideh

In the project "Artistic Development of the Dream City of Padideh", our view on the artistic atmosphere of the Dream City of Padideh was a general view with a spark of creativity and interaction, so that we thought about designing custom furniture and creating functional spaces in the project in addition to building elements, sculptures and items that can add to the space, sidewalks and project squares.
One of the concepts that was selected as the main concept of the project was the concept of soil, wind, water and fire, which we based on the same concept in the project think room, and we designed and presented art suggestions on creating a collection of art spaces in the form of urban furniture, art galleries, interactive structures, food and beverage passages, elements and sculptures. In the process of this project, we gathered a collection of the best artists in the country, and after visiting the project and holding briefings and presenting the statements we wanted, we received their ideas, and after reviewing the ideas we presented these works of art in the form of models and art works, some of which were performed and welcomed, but unfortunately did not continue due to the suspension of the Padideh Shandiz Dream City project.

Mohsen Saraaji
Director of Saraaj Center for Creation and Development of Art Spaces