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The small share of urban advertising in developing urban beautification perspective

Mohsen Saraji - Founder and Director of Saraaj

The center for Creation and development of art spaces

Environmental advertising, as a sub-branch in graphic design, plays a significant role in informing, advertising, promoting community culture and beautifying public environment, as a result, creating security and peace for citizens. It is obvious that organizing urban advertisements prevents visual and psychological discomfort and ugliness in urban environment and public places;

Using advertising design principles and regulations, appropriate visual elements, proper materials, and appropriate placement, etc., as well as urban and architectural design, will create a beautiful and peaceful environment for the audience and citizens and boost the sense of security.

Environmental advertising in our country, like many other fields, has capacities, strengths and weaknesses which can provide a comprehensive view of the present status and conditions. Obviously addressing the positive points, removing weaknesses and finding the root of problems in this field will help us to improve advertising performance

Environmental advertising, as a sub-branch in graphic design, plays a significant role in informing, advertising, promoting community culture and beautifying public environment, as a result, creating security and peace for citizens.

Urban advertising is considered as one of the best advertising methods in the world due to attracting audiences, beauty, creating diversity in the environment, its non-pollutant nature, and considerable low costs compared to television and other media advertisement. 

Environmental advertising includes a wide range of media such as advertisements in subway, airports and stations, billboards and many more. Some of us have varied tools in the field of environmental advertising and only use them regularly In Iran which the most common one is urban billboard. The appreciation they received shows a kind of attention that is slowly being formed in this field. However, their full capacities have not been taken into account.

The abandoned economic capacities of advertising are those advertisements can be done in spaces except billboards, areas such as athletic centers and stadiums, public places, shopping centers, and … . From cultural capacities perspective, this advertising method could play a significant role in transforming urban spaces and creating urban vitality.

To conclude, abandoned capacities can be studied in two different categories: media and governments. The Government can be effective in the field of legislation, supervision and implementation, and environmental media can use its possibilities and spaces to maximize the potentials in this field.

Urban advertising is considered as one of the best advertising methods in the world due to attracting audiences, beauty, creating diversity in the environment, its non-pollutant nature, and considerable low costs compared to television and other media advertisement. 

The quality of human life depends on the types of message they receive from the environment. These messages could have different effects on human mind; sometimes they bring security and peace of mind and sometimes they make confusion and restlessness. The design of environmental advertisements, if done correctly, can be of great help in improving the effect of environmental messages.

In order to create practical and beautiful designs, not only should visual and aesthetic principles and qualities be considered, but comprehensive information related to the topic should be mentioned so that the message is conveyed correctly.

In environmental advertisements design, the designer can evoke the feeling of security, calmness, happiness, trust, precision, and vice versa, the feeling of insecurity, depression, fear and mistrust in the audience. Therefore, they all are related to use of visual elements in the design.  

Color, form, text, location, size, dimensions, viewing angle, and many other factors and their coordination with each other have a direct effect on message transferred. The credibility of society regarding the importance of environmental advertising and environmental graphics and its effects, the intellectual growth of cultural and artistic managers, macro-social policies and public determination regarding the beautification of urban communities are considered to be the most important factors of quantitative and qualitative growth in this field.

  • Adopted from the book "Ways of Expression in Urban Beautification" by Mohsen Saraji - Sokhon Gostar Publications