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اگر هنوز عضو نیستید 

The statue of the brigadier general “Ahmad Khan”

One of the most important documents that shows the three islands, which have always been a source of conflict between Iran and Arab countries, actually belong to Iran; is a document that Ahmad Khan, one of Bandar Abbas's nobles, prepared it. This was a personal and national concern to me, and I made many efforts to identify rebirth of this character.

It can be said that this statue can be one of the most important elements designed and implemented in the project of identity and national glory, especially in the city of Bandar Abbas. The national aspect of introducing this character, made us to pay such a great attention to his identification and characterization. After the stages of research and character design, this important statue was made by Mr. Amir Mahdi Vosoogh. This statue is 4 meter high and made of fiberglass and located on the coastal border of Bandar Abbas city.

Mohsen Saraaji

The chairman of Saraaj

The center for Creation and development of art spaces