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What do you know about the Restless Employer Syndrome?

Challenges for Designers and Consultants When Dealing with Clients Mohsen Saraji | Creativity Director and Futurist

In today's dynamic world, designers and consultants play a crucial role in enhancing and advancing businesses. By relying on their creativity and expertise, they transform ideas into reality and pave the way for clients' success. However, we sometimes witness a phenomenon called the "Restless Employer Syndrome" which can create numerous challenges for these individuals. In this article, I will address the question of why employers feel entitled to interfere in the work of their designers and consultants.

Factors Contributing to a Restless Employer:

Lack of understanding of the design and consulting process: Many employers do not have a clear understanding of the complexities and nuances involved in defining, designing, and delivering a project. This can lead to unrealistic expectations and demands from designers and consultants.

تصویر مطلب سندرم کارفرمای بی قرار
تصویر مطلب سندرم کارفرمای بی قرار

Lack of trust in the expertise and experience of designers and consultants: Instead of relying on the knowledge and skills of experts, a restless employer tends to intervene in all stages of the work and impose their personal opinions. This undermines the autonomy of designers and consultants and prevents them from providing the best solutions.

Constant changes in demands and expectations: A restless employer rarely adheres to a fixed and specific idea. Frequent changes in demands and expectations make project planning and execution difficult and lead to a waste of time and resources.

تصویر مطلب سندرم کارفرمای بی قرار
تصویر مطلب سندرم کارفرمای بی قرار

Pressure to complete the project in the shortest possible time: Disregarding the complexity and volume of work, a restless employer demands that the project be completed as quickly as possible. This forces designers and consultants to work intensively and strenuously, which can compromise the final quality of the work.

Solutions for Dealing with the Restless Employer Syndrome:

  • Defining a clear framework and scope of work: At the beginning of the project, clearly define expectations and commitments by developing a specific framework and scope of work for the project.
  • Establishing effective communication: Clear and continuous communication with the employer prevents misunderstandings and potential problems. Regularly schedule meetings to present progress reports and receive feedback from the employer.
  • Education and clarification: Patiently familiarize the employer with the design and consulting process. Help them gain a better understanding of the challenges and nuances involved in defining and designing a project.
  • Managing expectations: Set realistic expectations for the project from the outset. Discuss timelines, costs, and potential limitations with the employer, and avoid making unachievable commitments.
  • Providing alternative solutions: If the employer's demands and expectations change, offer alternative and flexible solutions. By providing various options, you can help them make the best decision for their project.
  • Maintaining independence: While respecting the employer's opinions, protect your autonomy in your area of expertise. Remember that as a designer or consultant, you are responsible for providing the best solution.

Dealing with the Restless Employer Syndrome requires patience, perseverance, and strong communication skills. By using the suggested solutions, you can significantly reduce the challenges associated with this issue and achieve a productive and collaborative partnership with your employer. Never consider the employer's financial capacity to be superior to your technical experience and expertise. Adjust your financial claims to the volume of your work to prevent an accumulation of claims from the employer, which could pressure them to fulfill their non-technical demands.

Note: The overall content of this text has been prepared and edited using artificial intelligence.

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