ورود و عضویت
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اگر هنوز عضو نیستید 

The main purpose of enclosing is primarily to cover the under construction projects, covering its ugliness and visual pollution that is created in the work process. This is an opportunity to convey a message in line with the concept of the projects under construction, and thereby conveying it to the audience.
To enclose the art project of Mashhad Innovation Factory, the concept is to show the city and the dynamism of the city. According to the location of the project, we used the function of sun and shadow to show the concept of the liveliness of the city during the day and night.
The enclosure of the old, historical buildings is with a theme of joy and cheerfulness in two layers to show the liveliness and the identity of the city.
This project, along with other projects for the development of artistic spaces in Mashhad, including urban decoration, permanent and temporary urban elements have been designed and executed by the Urban Art Department of Saraaj Center for Creation and Development of Art Spaces for the order of Mashhad city management.