Metal Sculpture; the Bull in Persian Mythology
The bull is one of the oldest symbols in Persian mythology, appearing in everything from Mithraism to popular culture. Hadioush, however, is a bull that comes from Zoroastrian mythology.
The Hadioush sculpture depicts a bull from Zoroastrian mythology that has a metal skin and a mane of fire. This bull is the savior of humanity in crossing the Caspian Sea, and in the era of the ظهور منجی (the appearance of the savior), a medicine is made from its fat and the essence of the Haoma plant, which drives away death and brings immortality to the earth.
The Hadioush sculpture is a symbol of strength and perseverance. The chains wrapped around the bull’s legs are a symbol of captivity and limitation. However, the bull breaks these chains with its own strength and achieves its freedom.
This sculpture can be interpreted as a symbol of hope and liberation for humanity. It can also serve as a reminder that humans can overcome any challenge with their strength and will. The Hadioush sculpture is a valuable work of art that exhibits great finesse and precision in its design and construction. Using metal, this sculpture beautifully depicts the power and grandeur of the bull.