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اگر هنوز عضو نیستید 

A New Era for Iran’s Tourism Industry

The Kish Tourism Innovation Factory, a pioneering initiative in Iran, provides a dedicated space for nurturing and fostering creative ideas within the tourism industry. With an innovative and purposeful approach, this facility aims to revolutionize the way tourism is perceived and developed in the country.

Located on the beautiful island of Kish, the factory spans an impressive 16,700 square meters. Designed by the cross-border architecture and experience design firm Ando, the structure seamlessly blends traditional and modern architectural elements, creating a unique environment for innovative thinking.

The factory’s design is inspired by the form of a traditional warehouse and incorporates the colors white and blue, reminiscent of the region’s native architecture. Harmoniously integrated with the historic Elite Palace, the new building forms a cohesive complex connected by a large plaza and two bridges. This intelligent design not only creates a unified ensemble but also allows visitors to experience the island’s history and culture while enjoying modern amenities.

Key features and goals of the innovation factory include:

  • Sustainability: The factory emphasizes sustainability by utilizing renewable energy, implementing waste management practices, and employing materials that are well-suited to the island’s climate.
  • Nature connection: A central courtyard provides a serene space for relaxation and interaction, fostering creativity and innovation.
  • Comprehensive facilities: The factory offers a range of amenities such as innovation labs, event spaces, co-working areas, and recreational facilities.
  • Unique features: It also includes a black box studio, a hybrid amphitheater, an auction hall, a showroom, a metaverse lab, and a master stage.

By focusing on innovation and creativity, the Kish Tourism Innovation Factory aims to serve as a model for other regions in Iran, contributing to the sustainable growth and development of the tourism industry. Situated in a prime location, the factory offers easy access to investors and tourists, creating unparalleled opportunities for startups in the tourism sector.

The significance of this initiative:

  • Diversification: The factory is a crucial step in diversifying Iran’s economy and reducing its reliance on oil revenue.
  • Global competitiveness: By fostering innovation and creativity, it aims to enhance Iran’s position as a global tourism destination.
  • Sustainable development: The focus on sustainable tourism practices contributes to environmental conservation and the development of local communities.

In conclusion, the Kish Tourism Innovation Factory represents a significant leap forward for the Iranian tourism industry. It provides a platform for entrepreneurs, investors, and experts to collaborate and drive the growth of innovative tourism ventures, ultimately transforming the way Iran is perceived on the global stage.

Note: This translation aims to capture the essence of the original Persian text while maintaining a clear and concise style. For a more nuanced understanding, it’s recommended to consult with a native Persian speaker or a professional translator.