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The interactive installation “Look at the Earth Sometimes” invites visitors on an exciting journey through time and space. Inspired by old-fashioned attractions like the panoramic city view and periscope, this artwork invites viewers to witness a variety of captivating images from the surrounding world and the art collection of City Star.

By looking through the viewer, the audience not only observes current and futuristic images of the art collection, but also travels further back in time. This journey through time emphasizes the significance of roots and the impact of the past on shaping the present and future.

“Look at the Earth Sometimes” combines traditional and modern elements, offering a new experience of old tools like the panoramic city view. The artwork, while preserving the visual appeal of these tools, has taken on an interactive and artistic function. The viewer actively participates in the creation of the art experience. By changing the angle of view and adjusting the device, different images are seen, each telling stories from the past to the future.

This artwork was designed by the Center for Creation and Development of Art Spaces, SARAJ.