ورود و عضویت
بازیابی رمز ورود
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جهت تایید تغییر رمز کد ارسال شده را وارد نمایید
نام کاربری یا رمز خود را فراموش کرده ام
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اگر هنوز عضو نیستید 

This artwork, inspired by the beauty of the cosmos and especially Mars, is creatively designed with a curved, ring-like form reminiscent of Saturn’s rings, while its red color evokes the planet Mars. The use of graffiti style gives it a youthful and energetic feel, allowing it to connect directly with the audience through a strong visual language. The dominant red color directly references Mars, known as the “Red Planet,” which has been symbolized in various cultures as a sign of war, bloodshed, energy, and power. Given the food court setting, red is a fitting color, as it is known to stimulate appetite and create a positive feeling during meals and drinks.

This artwork was designed by the Center for the Creation and Development of Artistic Spaces Saraj