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بازیابی رمز ورود
کد تایید ارسال شد
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اگر هنوز عضو نیستید 

Step into the enchanting world of Shahnameh and engage in an epic battle for power. Raz o Razm is a strategic Iranian board game that transports you to a realm of politics, strategy, and intrigue. In this game, you take on the roles of legendary characters from Shahnameh and, using your intelligence, strategy, and a little bit of bluffing, strive to defeat your opponents and emerge as the last player standing.

Game Features:

  • Inspired by Shahnameh: All characters, events, and elements of the game are inspired by the epic tales of Shahnameh.
  • Strategy and Tactics: To win this game, you need intelligence, foresight, and the use of various strategies.
  • Bluffing: One of the keys to success in the game is your ability to deceive your opponents and create doubt in their minds.
  • Variety of Cards: Using three groups of cards: field, palace, and role, you can employ diverse tactics to advance your goals.
  • Breathtaking Competition: In this game, the situation can change at any moment, and you may have to make quick and intelligent decisions.

How to Play: In Raz o Razm, players take on the roles of different Shahnameh characters and use cards and their character’s abilities to eliminate opponents from the game. Each card has unique and special abilities that can help you achieve your goals. Using these cards, you can:

  • Attack opponents: Use attack cards to strike your opponents and eliminate them from the game.
  • Defend yourself: Use defense cards to protect yourself from enemy attacks.
  • Change the course of the game: By activating certain cards, you can change the course of the game and affect all players.

Why Raz o Razm?

  • Fun and Entertainment: Raz o Razm is an exciting and entertaining game that will keep you engaged for hours.
  • Boosting intelligence and strategy: By playing Raz o Razm, you can enhance your strategic skills and improve your decision-making power.
  • Familiarity with Iranian culture and literature: This game gives you the opportunity to learn more about the stories and legendary characters of Shahnameh.

Raz o Razm, for Teens and Adults Raz o Razm is suitable for all fans of board games and lovers of Iranian culture and literature. This game is playable for people of all experience levels and can provide hours of fun and excitement for you and your family.