ورود و عضویت
بازیابی رمز ورود
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اگر هنوز عضو نیستید 

This urban element, which is an interactive element, is reminiscent of the proximity of this beautiful city to the sea and its related recreations .It conveys joy, vitality and fluidity.
Saraaj Center for the Creation and Development of Art Spaces, with the aim of reconstructing urban elements that had problems due to lack of culture and the time that had passed, has reconstructed 10 urban elements in the tourist recreational city of Namak Abroud and has reconstructed these statues with the help of artists at Saraaj center.
This project is designed and implemented in the form of urban element, along with other projects of developing artistic touristic projects, including decoration, permanent and temporary elements, by the order of Namak Abroud city management. The management of this project was the responsibility of the Saraaj Center for Creation and Development of Art Spaces. Other projects of Namak Abroud urban elements include the following:

The “Grandmother” element
The “Cable car” element
The “I am Namak Abroud” element
The “I am fine” element

The “Red Riding Hood” element
the “Minions” element
The “Shaun the Sheep” element
The “Up” element
The “Cow Riding” element