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Interactive Event on Theme Park Innovation Design Held in Mashhad

Mashhad Hosts Interactive Event on Theme Park Innovation Design

An interactive event on theme park innovation design was recently held in Mashhad, bringing together a group of experts in creativity, innovation, and urban design. Organized by the Saraj Center for Artistic Space Creation and Development, in collaboration with the Mashhad Municipality and Naqsh Ivan Tous Consulting Company, the event served as a platform for exchanging ideas, learning, and presenting cutting-edge advancements in theme park design.

In his remarks, Mohsen Seraji, Director of the Saraj Center, emphasized:
Theme parks are not merely recreational spaces; they are platforms for educational, cultural, and social experiences that can profoundly impact urban economies and social development. With its vast cultural and tourism potential, Mashhad can lead this industry in the country.”

The event focused on introducing advanced design techniques, drawing inspiration from global projects, and sharing experiences among local and international experts. Key components of the program included educational workshops, specialized panels, and presentations of innovative ideas, all of which were met with enthusiastic participation.

The translator of Theme Park Design by David Younger added:
“Our goal is to create a network of professionals and enthusiasts in the field of theme park design and innovation, paving the way for future projects rooted in Iranian culture and art. This event was a practical step toward achieving that goal.”

Mashhad Municipality and Naqsh Ivan Tous Consulting Company, as the main partners of the event, played a pivotal role in its design and execution. Seraji noted:
“The collaboration between these two esteemed organizations has been instrumental not only in organizing this event but also in shaping a new future for the tourism and urban design industries in Mashhad.”

He further highlighted that the event successfully introduced the latest methods and technologies in theme park design. It also provided a networking platform for designers, consultants, and entrepreneurs, with a special focus on incorporating cultural and artistic themes into future projects.

This initiative marks the beginning of a new movement toward utilizing theme parks as tools for promoting culture and social innovation. In conclusion, Seraji stressed:
“This is just the start. With the support of cultural and economic institutions, we hope to reach a point where Iranian theme parks are recognized as a global brand.”